Rat Repellent Mint

Rat Repellent Mint

Rat Repellent Mint

Mint is widely recommended as a rat repellent on many sites on the internet. Apparently rats do not like the pungent smell and it is enough to keep them away from your home, garden, or anywhere else you have a rat problem. There are various ways in which it can be used.

  • Spray. The oil can be mixed with water and sprayed onto the areas they live and their access points. The downside of this method is that the smell can fade in a day or two and the repellent needs to be reapplied frequently.

  • Plants. Mint plants can be planted in strategic places around the garden and the rats will be repelled from these areas. The disadvantage here is that the areas that the rats spend time may not be convenient places for a mint plant.

  • Dustbin bags. Anti-rat bin-bags are often flavored with mint and this can keep them away. Unfortunately up to 3 layers of bagging may be required for the technique to work.

  • Cotton wool balls. These can be soaked in mint oil and placed in strategic places to keep rats away.

Rats may not like the smell of mint but is only a mild repellent, albeit a non-toxic and pleasant option. For every take of success using mint there are usually two tales of woe and failure. A rat may be wary if there is a new odour present as they will worry that it is a signal of a predator or other danger. Unfortunately a determined or hungry rat will quickly learn to ignore the smell once they realise no threat is present.

Our rat repellent flooring is a far more definitive rodent repellent. It is not possible to ignore it, unlike mint. It is designed to effectively exclude rats from problem areas. It will also keep your possessions and equipment safe from their chomping little teeth. Visit our 'Buy Now' page to find out about availability.